Program Educational Objectives for MENG Program

Mechanical Engineering (Production and Mechanical Systems Design) Program

Within a few years after graduation:


Graduates will undertake active roles in the development of their community’s welfare and/or the advancement of their profession, in an ethical and professional manner.


Graduates will meet the expectations of employers of Production and Mechanical Systems Design engineers.


Qualified graduates will pursue advanced study if they so desire.


Consistency of the Program Educational Objectives with the Institutional Mission

The University “Strategic Center to Kingdom Vision Realization” clarifies KAU mission as follows:


This mission entails the following:


Education for Sustainable Development: Playing a pioneering and effective role in serving economic, environmental and social development issues by providing an educational system that promotes innovative and analytical thinking, deepens scientific concepts, refines expertise, and upgrades skills to prepare the scientific and professional competencies to meet the growing needs of different sectors of development and industry that contribute to the success of development efforts.


Community Linked Research: Linking the University’s scientific research plans with the objectives, directions and requirements of a comprehensive and sustainable societal development in the present and in the future.


Innovation and Entrepreneurship: Encouraging the spirit of innovation and creative abilities and entrepreneurship, and producing innovative and advanced applied research that contributes to the building of a knowledge economy, and promotes the economic diversification of the country. In particular, starting pioneering initiatives to ensure sustainable water security, renewable energy, and to follow environmental management best practices.


Consolidation of Citizenship Values: Active participation in building a societal culture that consolidates the values of citizenship, raises the spirit of loyalty and sense of belonging to the homeland, rectifies concepts, and forms desirable intellectual trends. And to build citizens distinguished by their giving, proud of the principles and values of their society, and preserving their cultural and civilizational heritage and social ties.


Consistency of PEOs with institution mission

University Mission Key Components

1. Education for Sustainable Development

2. Community Linked Research

3. Innovation and Entrepreneurship

4. Consolidation of Citizenship Values

Program Educational Objectives

PEO 1Graduates will undertake active roles in the development of their community’s welfare and/or the advancement of their profession, in an ethical and professional manner.



PEO 2Graduates will meet the expectations of employers of Production and Mechanical Systems Design engineers.


PEO 3Qualified graduates will pursue advanced study if they so desire.




Last Update
6/22/2020 8:16:25 PM